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发布时间: 2023-03-30 09:08:45

❶ 汉译英,八年级上的英语短语及句子翻译,急

列出你喜欢放在三明治里的东西List the materials you would like to put into the sandwich
两碗稀饭two bowls of porridge
放入四杯酸奶Put four cups of yogurt into it
超级鸡肉三明治super chicken sanwich
倒两茶匙酸奶进搅拌机pour two teaspoons of yogurt into blender
六片火鸡肉six slices of turkey
把调料放在鸡肉上 put seasoning on the chicken
检查原料check the raw materials
把它们全部搅匀mix all of them up
卷薄煎饼roll the pancake
吃北京烤鸭的正确方式the right way to eat Peking ck
把食谱排序order the recipe
告诉你的同伴如何制造爆米花tell your companion how to make popcorn
整理他的床铺clean up his bed
叠衣服fold one's clothes
找表兄借钱borrow monry from cousin
讨厌做家务hate to do housework
搬到新家move to new house
计算机程序员computer programmer
在中国东部in the east of china
每天练习打篮球play basketball everyday
兼职工作part time job
努力学习数学study maths instriously
环球旅行travel around the world
组建篮球队organise a basketball team
退休到某个有趣的地方retire to an interesting place
建个更大的地铁站build a larger metro station
最优质的服务the best service
在市区的繁华地区in the downtown distinct of city
需要一些演员参加才艺表演need some actors to attend performance
播放最有趣的音乐play the most interesting music
为美国交换生举行欢迎会hold a welcome party for american exchange student
生蛋raw eggs
折扣店discount store
广播电台radio station

❷ 求烘焙相关英语句子翻译,谢谢

  1. European Gourmet Bakery(产品商标-欧洲美食烘焙),巧克力有机熟布丁派粉。

  2. 仅需几分钟即可获得色、香、味版俱权全的新鲜出炉的完美味道

  3. 帮助你获得欧洲最佳食谱的尝试和体验

  4. 中低温操作,不断搅拌

  5. 将混合物煮沸,离火前继续煮并搅拌一分钟。

  6. 如需口感更润滑的补丁,可在溶解的混合物中加一个搅拌均匀的蛋黄,并按上述烹饪指导进行

  7. 我们的美味自制甜品让你具有成就感,给你的家人和朋友带去惊喜和灵感。再见!

  8. 约四分之一的干粉(25克)

❸ 求100句日常生活的英语短句

so so——

一般般当然生活中不可能事事如意,总会有一些事让你感到不满,那么这时也不能没词用。看完一部电影之后,别人问你“What do you think of the movie?”“你觉得这部电影怎么样?”如果你觉得“一般般”,就可以说“So-so!”,如果觉得是百年难遇的烂片,你就可以说“Pretty bad.”“ pretty”在这里是一个副词,表示“十分”。

You wanna come with?--你要不要一起去?
“You wanna come with?”这句话用于邀请别人和你一起参与某项活动,翻译过来就是“你要不要一起去?”这句话说完整了应该是“Do you wanna come with us?”通常在你介绍了自己的活动计划之后,就可以用上这句话了。比如说:“We are going bungee jumping this Saturday. You wanna come with?”“这个星期六我们要去蹦极,你想一起去吗?”作为回答,如果你非常想去而且能去就可以说:“That's great!”如果你还有很多工作要做,那你只好说:“I'd love to. But...”“我想去,但是……”解释一下不能去的原因。

a good sport--输得起的人
always be a good sport.”注意哦,这句话不是用来说比赛项目的,而是用来形容人的。胜败乃兵家常事。“a good sport”指的是那些输得起的人,虽然输了却仍能保持不凡的风度,不怨天尤人。所以这里的“sport”实际上指的是“sportsman”。“don't be a sore loser。”这句中的“sore loser”指的就是那些输不起的人了,觉得自己的失败全是别人的错。这两句一正一反,虽然来自体育赛场,却广泛地运用在了日常生活中。在生活中如果遇到了不顺心的事,也要酷一点。“remember,always be a good sport.don't be a sore loser.”

my eyesight sucks--我的视力很差
视力不好在英语中怎么表示呢?简单而又随便的说法是 “my eyesight sucks.”“我的视力很差。” “suck”是一个比较随便的词,所以用的时候要注意场合。生动一些的说法,比如 “without my glasses, i'm as blind as a bat.”“bat”是蝙蝠的意思,这句话就是说“没有了眼镜,我像蝙蝠一样瞎。”

don''''''''t mind if i do请不要介意
“don''''''''t mind if i do.”这句话的意思是“如果我这样做的话,请不要介意”。如果你去异地出差顺便造访一位朋友,这位朋友晚上留你在他家里住,而且还坚持你睡卧房,他睡客厅。虽然你感到不妥,可是苦于盛情难却,也只好接受。这时你不妨说一句“don''''''''t mind if i do.”其实这句话的用法很简单,就是表示非常礼貌地接受别人提供的一次帮助,一个邀请等等。当然这句话还可以用在很多场合中,比如说你初次去别人家做客,主人热情招待“would you like a cup of coffee?”“想喝杯咖啡吗?”你也可以说“don''''''''t mind if i do.”

best of luck to you祝你好运
“best of luck to you.”这句话的意思是“祝你好运!”如果你有一位朋友,即将去参加面试,你就可以对他说“best of luck to you.”在信的结尾,你也可以用这句话捎去你的祝福。当然句中的“you”也可以根据具体情况进行更换,比如你想祝他家人幸福,就可以说“best of luck to your family.”表达类似的意思,我们可以说“wish you good luck.”或者“best wishes to you.”“送给你最好的祝福。”

beat sb. up狠揍某人一顿
i got beat up.”这句话的意思是“我被揍了一顿,”“beat sb. up”是“狠揍某人的意思”。当你的脸上青一块紫一块的时候,也许你就可以用上这句话了。有一点要注意,虽然是被打了但并没有说“i got beaten up”。“beat sth. up”又是另有其意,意为“用*子或搅拌器搅拌某物”,比如说“beat up the eggs and then cook.”“将蛋搅拌后再烹制。”

that's old news这是老新闻了
有些人总是喜欢把一件事反复说,这时“新闻”也成了“旧闻”了。这时用英语中的一句话最恰当了:“that's old news.”“这是老新闻了。”如果这时还有人把克林顿下台当做新闻来告诉你,你就可以对他说:“that's old news.”“这已经是老新闻了。”“news”是不可数名词,所以千万不要说成:“those are old news.”也不要说成:“that's an old news.”如果你一定要用单数的话,应该是“a piece of news”

❹ 求50个英语句子

1、There are many legends concerning the origins of Lantern Festival.

2、In America, lavish2, extravagant3 gifts are definitely out. An appropriate alternate to a gift is to take the deserving person to dinner, or to an entertainment or sporting event. 在美国,赠送贵重的礼物是行不通的,比较合适的礼物是带上你要感谢的朋友去赴宴或参加娱乐体育活动。3、Jessica Alba epitomizes casual cool in her laid-back but lovely Tory Burch peacoat. The clean lines and structured shoulders make it a perfect choice to dress up a stylishly slouchy look.杰西卡·阿尔芭随性可爱的托里·伯奇厚呢短大衣凸显了她休闲的着装特点。简洁的线条和挺拔的肩部设计,是懒散而又个性的最佳选择。4.灯谜:1. What month do soldiers hate?
2. How many feet are there in a yard?
3. Why is an empty purse always the same?
4. What book has the most stirring chapters?
5. What kind of dog doesn't bite or bark?
6. What is the smallest room in the world?
7. What kind of water should people drink in order to be healthy?
8. How do we know the ocean is friendly?
9. You have it.You read it.There're some pictures in it?
10. A mouse has a large pocket.What is it?答案:答案:
1.March (三月,行军)2.It depends on how many people stand in the yard. (码,院子)3.There is no change in it. (零钱,变化)4.A cook book. (动人的,搅拌的)5.Hot dog. (热狗)6.Mushroom. (蘑菇)7.Drink well water. (井水,健康的)8.It waves. (起波浪,招手致意)9.book(书)10.a kangaroo(袋鼠) 5.Some bachelor pads may contain more than 15 times the amount of bacteria than the homes of their female counterparts! Charles Gerba, professor of microbiology at the University of Arizona, says of the surfaces tested in the homes of single men, coffee tables and remote controls harbored the most bacteria.调查显示:单身男子公寓里的细菌比单身女子居所内的细菌高出15倍还多!亚利桑那大学微生物学教授查尔斯称,单身男子的居所里、咖啡桌上以及远程遥控器上的细菌最多。 It was always women who wanted to settle down and start a family, while men dragged their heels... or so we thought.一般来说女人们才想生个孩子,稳定下来,而男人们总是尽力拖延。至少我们是这么认为的。
These days, it seems the ladies are being beaten to it by their menfolk.但如今男人们似乎比女人们更心急。
According to research, men are getting broody too.调查显示,越来越多的男人急于要小孩。
The experts believe it’s all down to greater equality. Lead researcher Helen Fisher, of Rutgers University, in New Jersey, said: 'Men today are more like [the female archetype] than we have seen in generations. They are becoming the broody ones, they are more likely to want to settle down sooner.专家们认为这都是因为男女更加平等的缘故。新泽西罗格斯大学的首席研究员海伦

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